It's day 8! 40 days left! David and I feel great. My food cravings have left me for the most part but not David. Part of David's job requires him to go to restaurants and be around people eating so that may be part of the reason the cravings have been harder for him. He also hates chlorella (I mix chlorella powder with 2 glasses of distilled water every day for each of us to drink). He says it tastes gross, but I've always loved the taste of chlorella. He has always had extremely different tastes for food than me (for example, dessert wise, he generally loves light/ fruity and I love savory).
I have been keeping my physical activity down for the most part but I am thinking about starting some yoga since my energy is up a lot more. David played basketball last night though.
Today I am really in a springy/summery hopeful mood (even though the weather is dreary) so I decided to have some watermelon. I made a combination that I love. I call it the Watermelon Cucumber Mint Cooler.
Here's what yields 32 ounces:
1/4 watermelon
1 cucumber
3-4 sprigs of organic mint

Juice it all and you've got a very refreshing spring (or anytime) juice treat!
I bought an entire watermelon for this, so I only used half of it and stored the rest in the fridge. I'm drinking some now, and have stored away one 16 ounce jar and one 32 ounce jar to enjoy with David later.
What I had today before the cooler: kale/cucumber/lemon/green apple juice (16 oz.) and orange/grapefruit/lemon sunshine in a glass juice (16 ounces). If you want the sunshine in a glass recipe, you can get it in my guest blog over here at the screendoor diaries blog.
See you on day 9!
Enjoying your updates!! So motivated to do this when I get back from my vacation! I'm trying to sign in with a profile and don't think I have one, so I picked anonymous and just signed my name. LOL!
Thanks Denise! I really am feeling great. Good luck with your plans and I hope you have a great vacation! :)